Legal Notice

Responsible for content:

Certum Consulting
Dr. Sabine M. Apelt

USt-IdNr.: DE251540710


Certum Consulting (CeCo) does not warrant accuracy, precision, completeness, trueness and timeliness of the information and opinions published at the CeCo website. CeCo is not obligated to update, delete or flag outdated information and opinions. Information and opinions published on CeCo website can be changed without prior notice. 

CeCo does not take on responsibility and does not warrant the flawless and uninterrupted functionality of the CeCo website. CeCo does not warrant that the CeCo website and associated components are free from harmful elements (e.g. virus).

As far as the CeCo website contains links and pointers to third party websites, CeCo does not take on responsibility for the information, notes, materials, links to further websites presented there. CeCo declares explicitly that the content of linked sites are not embraced in any case.

Data privacy

1. Collection and processing of http protocol data

Upon visit of our website and with each download of  a file, the Webserver collects protocol information about the transactions (e.g. type of browser, date and time of action). These are no personal data. There is no possibility to allocate the date to a certain natural person.
All of the data will only be used for statistical analysIs. There will be no transfer to third parties and no connection to any other data. The data will be deleted within one week after statistical analysis.

2. Use of personal data

Your personal data will only be collected when you provide them to us willingly and with your personal knowledge. Your personal data can only be used for marketing and market research purposes after you explicitly consented to it.
It is your right to withdraw your consent at any time.
Specific information on purpose of handling will be given at the relevant positions on our website and will not be subject to any subsequent changes. A transfer of your personal data to third parties will only be done in the case that we are legally obligated to do so.

3. Use of Cookies

Cookies are data files, which are sent from the Webserver to the user’s Webbrowser  and saved there for later use. Whether Cookies will be collected you  can determine yourself by setting your Browser to ask you for approval before saving a Cookie.
We are only using Cookies to receive information about the use of our website and for statistical purposes.
The data files do not contain any personal data. There will be no combination with any personal data provided by you.

4. Right to be informed

It is your right to receive information on any stored personal data including origin and recipient of your data as well as on purpose of data processing. Please send your request in writing via eMail directly to us.
This data privacy statement is only valid for the content on our Webservers and does not cover any of the third party websites linked on our website.

5. Integrated third party provider (Example „Facebook-Plug-in“)

This website uses a  Facebook-Social-Plug-in, which was developed and run by  Facebook Inc. (1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025 USA) and can be recognized by the Facebook-Logo. The Plug-in builds a direct connection between your Browser and the Facebook-Servers as soon as it is activated. A click on the button is needed to activate this connection. We do not have any influence on type and extent of data transferred to Facebook Inc.. You can find a statement covering this topic from the Social-Media-Company under the following link:

6. About us

This is the data privacy statement of Certum Consulting (CeCo). If you have any questions to this data privacy statement, please contact us directly via eMail.